Photos from the IL Route 66 Association's 1998 Route 66 Classic Car Cruise are available in the Events section.
Start of 66 in Chicago - Lake Shore Drive & Jackson Blvd (to the left at the red cones). Of course, Jackson was blocked off for some activity (a reviewing stand was set up in the middle of the road). (97) |
The Chicago Elevated Railway. This is what you see while you are trying to maneuver back onto 66. (97) |
And then the sky opened up. Not many pictures from the time it was pouring. The Ogden and Harbor intersection is ahead. (97) |
A piece of 66 south of Joliet (after the rain cleared). (97) |
The 1932 Marathon Oil Station in Dwight. (97) |
The Old Sinclair Gas Station in Odell. Soon to be restored and used as a museum. BUY A T-SHIRT TO SUPPORT THE EFFORT!!! (97) |
Our Lady of the Highway Shrine along old 66. ('01) |
The westside lanes of 4-lane 66 have been chopped up so they don't have to maintain it anymore. ('01) |
Farm silo with sign advertising the 'New Log Cabin Inn' in Pontiac. The DOT made them paint out the sign as an eyesore. Located 2 miles south of Odell. (97) |
Computer enhanced close-up of old sign bleeding through the whitewash. (97) It has been painted again so it is no longer visible. ('07) |
Meramec Caverns sign painted on old barn north of Pontiac. This sign was recently restored by the Illinois Route 66 Association. (97) |
The Log Cabin Restaurant in Pontiac from the West. (97) |
A close-up of the North building. Old-old 66 can be found behind the building. (97) |
Sign north of Funks Grove. (97) |
Sign on 66 at entrance to the Funk farmstead/store. ('97) |
Front of Dixie Trucker's Home in McLean. ('97) |
Big neon sign on the front of the Dixie Trucker's Home. This is the site of the Illinois Route 66 Associations Hall of Fame. (97) It has since been relocated after the Dixie went bankrupt. |
That's me standing next to our '66 Mustang in the parking lot at Dixie's. Yes, the t-shirt says Cozumel (hey, this was our first day on 66, so no new shirts yet). (97) |
The Pig-Hip Restaurant in Broadwell. No longer open but it is still kept-up nicely. (97) |
Yes that is a 'flower bed' under the sign. Signs of a truly warped sense of humor. (97) |
Shea's nostalgia shop and museum in Springfield. It was closed when we passed through town but we stopped for a photo-op. (97) |
Signs on the north end. (97) |
Pull back a little...... (97) |
Put on a wide-angle lens and pull back some more. Shea's has never been open when we've passed through, but I hope to be able to check it out sometime. (97) |
Cozy Drive In sign in Springfield. Home of the Waldmire family's Cozy Dog (corn dog) (97) |
The 'new' Cozy Drive In. We found out later (in Arizona) that someone broke in and tried to steal the neon Route 66 clock. Didn't get it though. (97) |
The Ariston Cafe in Litchfield. (97) |
Henry's Rabbit Ranch & Visitor Center. (00) |
Henry has plenty of signs. (00) |
And pumps to match. (00) |
He also has a Snortin' Nortin' trailer - The 'Holy Grail' of IL 66 history. (00) |
The split in 66. Route 4 (old, old 66) heads north and old 66 turns northeast towards Litchfield. (00) |
One last photo for IL. The well-known 'Blue Cross' on a church north of Edwardsville. (97) |